With huge thanks to Kristin & Ken for this wonderful treat of fabulous footage taken during their recent stay. What an amazing way to see so many gorgeous views of Polperro. From four legged friends to brave swimmers, to the joy of a suitable beverage on the terrace, to a dive bombing sea gull (watch closely towards the end – incredible filming and relieved your drone survived, a close call indeed) and some smiley faces enjoying some rest and relaxation, thank you, thank you. You are officially our first guests to feature on our Blog section, huge congrats on the birth of baby Zac, really thought we might have had a birth in the cottage!
To all future guests – please do send any images of your stay, be it stunning views, funny moments or your four-legged furballs having a joyous time. I am hoping to be able to add your comments and images to my musings on our blog.
Keep safe one and all during this prolonged unsettled time and we look forward to hearing from you.
Amanda & John